Western Vocal class

1) Oval white note is called Semibreve. It is 4 beats
2) White shoe is called Minim. It is 2 beats.
3) Black shoe is called Crotchet. It is 1 beat
4) 2 black shoes are called Quavers. They are 1/2 (half) beat each
Rat a Tat full song

Lyrics of Rat A Tat

Homework : Rat a tat tat the dancing cats-2
rat a tat, rat a tat , rat a tat, rat a tat
Oh the dancing cats

We all love the dancing cats -2
rat a tat, rat a tat, rat a tat, rat a tat
Oh the dancing cats

Naughty pussy cat
You are very fat
You’ve got butter on your whiskers
Naughty pussy cat

Pretty pussycat
Sitting on the mat
There’s no butter on your whiskers
Pretty pussy cat

Learn Note Names with their beats